Integrate Kannon in Space Hackability

Ludovico Russo

lettura in 6 minuti

During the last couple of years, I've worked on a side project called kannon, an Open Source massive email sender service based on kubernetes and cloud native technologies.

I've worked on this project mainly for fun, and it was super usefull as a lab to try new technologies and learn new things. Working on kannon, I've became proficient in golang and I've experimented with kubernetes, gRPC, nats etc.

When kannon became more stable, I've started using it as main email sender server for other of my personal projects, I've deployed it on kubernello and I've successfully use it to send thousands of emails from Farmaceutica Younger, the site of an association I've founded with my wife and some friends.

I was so happy with the experience with kannon that I've started to think about try to create a real service from it, so I've designed a Web GUI around the Open Source core that I've called

In this blog post, I want to show you how to integrate in a NextJS project to send transactional emails. I'm using Space hackability as an example, a platform I'm working on for the Hackability Association.

Space hackability is a NextJS project based on the t3 stack I'm working on for the Hackability Association.

Getting started with the domain and DNS configuration

Starting from the Kannon dashboard, I've already created a new domain

Choose a Subdomain

In order to avoid conflicts with the default email server, I usually prefer to choose a subdomain to send my emails from Kannon. My standard is to use the subdomain in the form k.<your main domain>.

Domains List

Once a domain is created, we can access the DNS Configuration page, which helps you to configure DNS in order to send emails correctly from Kannon. You have to configure two TXT DNS records (required to add SPF and DKIM authentication and authorization to Kannon email sender), and a CNAME and an MX server required to track stats.

DNS Configuration

We should wait for the DNS to propagate correctly before starting to send emails. To check that, I use one of the several DNS track services available on the internet.

DNS Propagation

Start Writing Code to Send Email in Kannon with Node.js

Once DNS are propagated, we can start writing our Node.js client with the help of kannon.js, a simple Node library to start using the service.

In the code page of the platform, you will find a simple getting started example code that you can use to implement the client. You need to use your API client available from the console.

Code Page

We can test if everything is working by writing a simple script in TypeScript that sends a simple email.

import { KannonCli } from "kannon.js";

const kannon = new KannonCli(
  process.env.KANNON_KEY as string,
    email: "",
    alias: "Ludovico di Hackability",
    host: "",

const html = `<html>
	<h1>First Kannon email For hackability!</h1>
	<p>This is a test email from <a href="">Kannon</a></p>

async function main() {
  return kannon.sendHtml(
        email: "",
        fields: {},
    "πŸ“§ First Mail from Kannon πŸ’£!",

main().then((res) => console.log(res));

By running this script, you should be able to receive the email on your client in a few seconds. In addition, you should be able to track stats (delivered, opens, etc.) from the Kannon dashboard in the stats page of your domain.

Email Sent Kannon Stats

Create an email template in MJML

In addition to sending emails directly from HTML, Kannon allows you to create email templates using the MJML syntax. This way, you can easily use the email template ID in the code to send the email, and manage and update the template from the platform.

I've created an MJML template using the MJML live tool. Here is the source code:

    <mj-title> Wellcome in Space Hackability </mj-title>
    <mj-preview> πŸš€ Wellcome in Space Hackability! </mj-preview>
        font-family="'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"
        font-family="'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"
    <mj-style inline="inline"
      >.body-section { -webkit-box-shadow: 1px 4px 11px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
      -moz-box-shadow: 1px 4px 11px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); box-shadow: 1px 4px
      11px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); }</mj-style
    <mj-style inline="inline">.text-link { color: #5e6ebf }</mj-style>
    <mj-style inline="inline">.footer-link { color: #888888 }</mj-style>
  <mj-body background-color="#E7E7E7" width="600px">
    <mj-section full-width="full-width" background-color="white">
      <mj-column width="100px">
    <mj-wrapper padding-top="0" padding-bottom="0px" css-class="body-section">
        <mj-column width="100%">
          <mj-text color="#637381" font-size="16px">
            <p>Hi {{ name }},</p>
              Thanks for your registration in the Space Hackability repository
              To upload projects, you need to participate to at least an
              Hackability event. If you are in the Hackability community, please
              reply to this email in order to speed up the approval process.
            <p>Best Regards,</p>
            <p>Ludovico from <strong>Hackability</strong></p>
    <mj-wrapper full-width="full-width">
        <mj-column width="100%" padding="0px">
            >&copy; Space hackability, All Rights Reserved.</mj-text

We now need to create a new template in the Template Section

Create Template

One created, the preview of the Template is visible from the template page.

Template Preview

Using custom fields

Note that I've used a custom fields {{ name }} in the email template. This fields can be populated when the email is sended in order to customize the email for every customer.

Now we can use the tempate_id to send email using our custom script, with just a small edit in the main funciton

async function main() {
  return kannon.sendTemplate(
        email: "",
        fields: {
          name: "Ludovico",
    "Wellcome in Space Hackability πŸ”¨πŸ‘¨β€πŸ¦½!",

And this is the email sent by the platform once the script is launched.

Email from Template

Integrate Kannon in Next.js and NextAuth

What we want to do now is to automatically send emails when a user register to the platform. To do this, we can leverage con theΒ events features of NextAuth, in particular we can listen to the userCreated events. But first of all we need to create a class to handle emails.

I suggest to wrap the kannon cli with a class to easly manage emails all in one place, as in the following code:

// email-sender.ts

import type { KannonCli } from "kannon.js";

const templates = {
  wellcomeUser: {
    id: "<TAMPLATE_ID>",
    subject: "Wellcome in Space Hackability πŸ”¨πŸ‘¨β€πŸ¦½!",
} as const;

export class EmailSender {
  constructor(private readonly kannonCli: KannonCli) {}

  sendWellcomeUserEmail(email: string, name: string) {
    return this.kannonCli.sendTemplate(
      [{ email, fields: { name } }],

Now we can use the EmailSender object to send wellcome emails when a user is created in next auth.

const kannon = new KannonCli(
    alias: env.KANNON_ALIAS,
    email: env.KANNON_EMAIL,
    host: env.KANNON_HOST,
const sender = new EmailSender(kannon);

export const authOptions: NextAuthOptions = {
  // ...
  events: {
    createUser: async ({ user }) => {
      await sender.sendWellcomeUserEmail(,;

Now, every time a user is created in the platform, it will receive this wellcome email.

Next Steps

Integrating kannon with a nextjs service is super easy and super fast, from now on, I've configured the structure to add more transactional emails in hackability, like for projects update, request of publishing a new projects etc.

Are you building something interesting? Let me know if you'd like to use kannon and access the beta testing.